About Us

L earn about Alice Consult, your dedicated experts in Chinese university applications, visa assistance, and comprehensive support for international students.

Our Story 

At Alice Consult, we are more than just a consultancy; we are educators, innovators, and your trusted bridge to a world-class education in China. Founded by Alice Zhang, a visionary with a passion for education and a deep understanding of the academic landscape in China, we have grown from a small startup to a leading name in international education consultancy.

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Our mission is to empower students from across the globe to unlock their full potential through access to the finest educational opportunities in China. We believe that a great education is the cornerstone of a successful future, and we are committed to making that education accessible to all.


Integrity, Excellence, and Support are the core values that drive us. We operate with the highest ethical standards, striving for excellence in every aspect of our service, and providing unwavering support to our students throughout their educational journey.


With a network spanning over 500 top universities in China, a clientele from over 100 countries, and a success rate that speaks for itself, our achievements are a testament to our commitment to our students’ dreams.

Affordable Travels

We provide one of the lowest fees.

Guided Experiences

Our team of expert will guide you through the process.

Group Discounts

We support our customers by providing discount when they apply a s group

Guest Support

Our guest are always supported 24/7.